HARDLINES CONFERENCE UPDATE   HARDLINES CONFERENCE UPDATE   Here’s a detailed list of the presentations that will showcase our upcoming conferences …     TWO CONFERENCES IN TORONTO: Both conferences will be held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel on Dixie Rd., just minutes from Pearson International Airport in Toronto. For more information about these important events, call us at 416-489-3396 or check out hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html <https://hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html> .   * * * * * * RETAIL STRATEGIES SYMPOSIUM: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 This new half-day education seminar will feature industry overviews on the Canadian and U.S. markets. Learn how the key retail players are positioned for growth, the size of the market by region and by retail type, the growing importance of online data exchange and how the big box retailers are capturing share of the Canadian market. Only $149 per person.     1. Where will the Growth Come From? Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher of Hardlines, will talk about the key factors affecting this industry, including the growth of the big box, consolidation among retail groups, expansion strategies of Home Depot and Canadian Tire, and the future of buying groups in Canada.     2. Land of the Giants John Caulfield, Editor of National Home Center News in New York, will talk about the billion-dollar players in the U.S., their growth strategies and the challenges facing them in a market that has coped with big boxes much longer than here in Canada.     3. The Face of Today’s Home Improvement Customer: Women and DIY A report on women’s involvement in home improvement projects and their DIY shopping preferences — results of an exclusive Hardlines survey done in conjunction with ACNielsen.   ______________________________________________     HARDLINES MARKETING CONFERENCE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 The leaders in home improvement retailing worldwide will speak at this event. A day of education, insights and networking. Only $389.00 per person — includes continental breakfast, lunch, door prizes, cocktail reception and more!     1. The Future of the Independents: Learning to Think Retail Paul Ingevaldson, Vice-President International for Ace Hardware, will talk about the biggest challenge ever to face the independent hardware and home improvement industry – the relentless rise of the big box competitor. As the industry continues to consolidate and the big boxes continue to dominate, what will be the future of the independent?   Ace brings to its dealers a new perspective with a series of bold initiatives called Vision 21. With it, Ace believes strongly that the independent can continue to thrive and be successful. But it’s not going to be business as usual.       2. Vendor Alliances Respond to International Retailing The UK, France, Germany and Belgium account for well over 65% of total DIY sales throughout the Europe. Fediyma, the European federation of DIY manufacturers, has joined the interests of hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers from these key countries. Gilles Caille, president of the French association, Unibal, and the current president of Fediyma, will share the challenges facing European suppliers as they do business with an increasingly global retail community. Learn how opportunities are built for the pursuit of trade on a global scale.     3. Making a Profit in the Contractor Market With some $60 million in sales annually, Turkstra Lumber is one of Canada’s most successful retailers selling to contractors and builders. Peter Turkstra knows that a lot of dealers try to make money selling to contractors, but when they do a thorough — and honest — assessment of their cost of doing business, they come up short. Are you confusing strategy with execution? Are you confusing sales volume with profits?   Whether you’re a retailer or a supplier, you will learn important lessons from Mr. Turkstra’s experiences selling successfully to the specialized — and fickle — contractor market. Turkstra Lumber's retail presence is supported by a range of back-end operations that provide contractor specific services and products – including a truss plant, window factory and mill that supply a large trade and contractor market in Southern Ontario.       4. Repositioning the Big Box and National Expansion Long dominant in Quebec, RONA's commitment to become a truly national player has rocked the industry. RONA and its dealer-shareholders operate a network of almost 540 stores of various sizes and types.   Henri Drouin, chairman of RONA, and a dealer in his own right, will offer frank insights into the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead for one of Canada’s largest home improvement organizations. Mr. Drouin will outline the strengths of his company’s dealer-owned structure and describe the retailer’s aggressive acquisition strategy. Learn more about the strategy behind RONA’s efforts to manage its various retail formulas.       5. Strengthen Your Sales in A Global Market American Tool's strategies of powerful branding and growth through acquisition have secured its place as a global player. With regional-based operations around the world, the company lets the needs of local markets determine the right products for each area.   Tom Hearn, Co-Chair of American Tool, will give you the manufacturer's perspective with a look at how international expansion and strategic acquisitions have allowed American Tool to double its sales in the last five years.       6. Retailers Demand More Certified Wood — where are you? Home Depot, Lowe's, IKEA, Mernard's, OBI … just a few of the billion-dollar retailers who are committing their purchasing power to certified wood products. Certification is becoming the new competitive edge.   Whether you are a retailer or supplier, this issue will affect you. Find out the costs and opportunities inherent in certified wood products. David Ford, President and CEO of the Certified Forest Products Council, will give an overview of various certification systems and their current influence on the international scene. With over 20-years experience working through the escalating conflict between forest products business interests and environmental interests, Mr. Ford will define the impact of the environmental movement on business and consumer actions.       7. Driving Change In A Retail Marketplace Canadian Tire’s core businesses spread over several categories. In a market that strives hard to identify with the consumer, this retailer walks the line between department store, hardware store, mass merchant, and automotive centre. Which existing categories — and which new businesses — will be the sources of Canadian Tire’s continued growth?   Mark Foote, President of Canadian Tire Retail, will outline his company’s strategic investments in a new automotive banner, new customers and dynamic store formats. Mr. Foote will discuss the strategies driving one of Canada’s biggest forces in retail.   ______________________________________________     BREAKOUT SESSIONS ON SEPTEMBER 13: Three concurrent sessions will address specific issues related to running your business better. Learn how to trim costs and increase efficiency with your choice of the following:   1. INSTORE MERCHANDISING Roger Roney of JDA Intactix focuses on tactical approaches to category and space management. Learn how the grocery industry has pioneered powerful sales per square foot and increased labour productivity through the use of space management solutions. Mr. Roney will describe how to reduce labour costs and improve return on investment by using space and merchandising solutions that fit the industry's diverse customer base. Core planogram concepts will exemplify how space management can be implemented by employees at any level in a retail organization.   2. SELLING TO CONTRACTORS You can drive pro sales through effective communication with the elusive contractor customer. Learn how to build profitable relationships with this specialized niche. Robert Koci, Editor of Canadian Contractor magazine, will show how to maximize contact across different media. "Staying connected with the contractor market" will chart the strengths and weaknesses of current channels of communication and how to use them effectively.   3. STAFF RETENTION Wolf Gugler of Wolf Gugler and Associates, and Brenda Dumont of canadianretail.com, will combine their expertise in retail and corporate recruitment in an exciting panel discussion. Find out the most effective recruitment method for attracting top-quality talent, including non-traditional means of finding good employees. Learn practical methods of retaining good staff – from motivation that matters to the number one reason why people leave jobs. And have your questions ready!   ______________________________________________     LAST CHANCE TO BOOK YOUR CONFERENCE HOTEL: If you’re planning to stay over the night of September 12 to take in our conference event next month, make sure you’ve booked your hotel room. To get our special hotel rate at the Four Points Sheraton on Dixie Road at Highway 401. (NOT THE SHERATON AT TERMINAL 3), call 1-800-737-3211.         HARDLINES CONFERENCE UPDATE Here’s a detailed list of the presentations that will showcase our upcoming conferences …     TWO CONFERENCES IN TORONTO: Both conferences will be held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel on Dixie Rd., just minutes from Pearson International Airport in Toronto. For more information about these important events, call us at 416-489-3396 or check out hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html <https://hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html> .   * * * * * * RETAIL STRATEGIES SYMPOSIUM: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 This new half-day education seminar will feature industry overviews on the Canadian and U.S. markets. Learn how the key retail players are positioned for growth, the size of the market by region and by retail type, the growing importance of online data exchange and how the big box retailers are capturing share of the Canadian market. Only $149 per person.     1. Where will the Growth Come From? Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher of Hardlines, will talk about the key factors affecting this industry, including the growth of the big box, consolidation among retail groups, expansion strategies of Home Depot and Canadian Tire, and the future of buying groups in Canada.     2. Land of the Giants John Caulfield, Editor of National Home Center News in New York, will talk about the billion-dollar players in the U.S., their growth strategies and the challenges facing them in a market that has coped with big boxes much longer than here in Canada.     3. The Face of Today’s Home Improvement Customer: Women and DIY A report on women’s involvement in home improvement projects and their DIY shopping preferences — results of an exclusive Hardlines survey done in conjunction with ACNielsen.   ______________________________________________     HARDLINES MARKETING CONFERENCE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 The leaders in home improvement retailing worldwide will speak at this event. A day of education, insights and networking. Only $389.00 per person — includes continental breakfast, lunch, door prizes, cocktail reception and more!     1. The Future of the Independents: Learning to Think Retail Paul Ingevaldson, Vice-President International for Ace Hardware, will talk about the biggest challenge ever to face the independent hardware and home improvement industry – the relentless rise of the big box competitor. As the industry continues to consolidate and the big boxes continue to dominate, what will be the future of the independent?   Ace brings to its dealers a new perspective with a series of bold initiatives called Vision 21. With it, Ace believes strongly that the independent can continue to thrive and be successful. But it’s not going to be business as usual.       2. Vendor Alliances Respond to International Retailing The UK, France, Germany and Belgium account for well over 65% of total DIY sales throughout the Europe. Fediyma, the European federation of DIY manufacturers, has joined the interests of hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers from these key countries. Gilles Caille, president of the French association, Unibal, and the current president of Fediyma, will share the challenges facing European suppliers as they do business with an increasingly global retail community. Learn how opportunities are built for the pursuit of trade on a global scale.     3. Making a Profit in the Contractor Market With some $60 million in sales annually, Turkstra Lumber is one of Canada’s most successful retailers selling to contractors and builders. Peter Turkstra knows that a lot of dealers try to make money selling to contractors, but when they do a thorough — and honest — assessment of their cost of doing business, they come up short. Are you confusing strategy with execution? Are you confusing sales volume with profits?   Whether you’re a retailer or a supplier, you will learn important lessons from Mr. Turkstra’s experiences selling successfully to the specialized — and fickle — contractor market. Turkstra Lumber's retail presence is supported by a range of back-end operations that provide contractor specific services and products – including a truss plant, window factory and mill that supply a large trade and contractor market in Southern Ontario.       4. Repositioning the Big Box and National Expansion Long dominant in Quebec, RONA's commitment to become a truly national player has rocked the industry. RONA and its dealer-shareholders operate a network of almost 540 stores of various sizes and types.   Henri Drouin, chairman of RONA, and a dealer in his own right, will offer frank insights into the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead for one of Canada’s largest home improvement organizations. Mr. Drouin will outline the strengths of his company’s dealer-owned structure and describe the retailer’s aggressive acquisition strategy. Learn more about the strategy behind RONA’s efforts to manage its various retail formulas.       5. Strengthen Your Sales in A Global Market American Tool's strategies of powerful branding and growth through acquisition have secured its place as a global player. With regional-based operations around the world, the company lets the needs of local markets determine the right products for each area.   Tom Hearn, Co-Chair of American Tool, will give you the manufacturer's perspective with a look at how international expansion and strategic acquisitions have allowed American Tool to double its sales in the last five years.       6. Retailers Demand More Certified Wood — where are you? Home Depot, Lowe's, IKEA, Mernard's, OBI … just a few of the billion-dollar retailers who are committing their purchasing power to certified wood products. Certification is becoming the new competitive edge.   Whether you are a retailer or supplier, this issue will affect you. Find out the costs and opportunities inherent in certified wood products. David Ford, President and CEO of the Certified Forest Products Council, will give an overview of various certification systems and their current influence on the international scene. With over 20-years experience working through the escalating conflict between forest products business interests and environmental interests, Mr. Ford will define the impact of the environmental movement on business and consumer actions.       7. Driving Change In A Retail Marketplace Canadian Tire’s core businesses spread over several categories. In a market that strives hard to identify with the consumer, this retailer walks the line between department store, hardware store, mass merchant, and automotive centre. Which existing categories — and which new businesses — will be the sources of Canadian Tire’s continued growth?   Mark Foote, President of Canadian Tire Retail, will outline his company’s strategic investments in a new automotive banner, new customers and dynamic store formats. Mr. Foote will discuss the strategies driving one of Canada’s biggest forces in retail.   ______________________________________________     BREAKOUT SESSIONS ON SEPTEMBER 13: Three concurrent sessions will address specific issues related to running your business better. Learn how to trim costs and increase efficiency with your choice of the following:   1. INSTORE MERCHANDISING Roger Roney of JDA Intactix focuses on tactical approaches to category and space management. Learn how the grocery industry has pioneered powerful sales per square foot and increased labour productivity through the use of space management solutions. Mr. Roney will describe how to reduce labour costs and improve return on investment by using space and merchandising solutions that fit the industry's diverse customer base. Core planogram concepts will exemplify how space management can be implemented by employees at any level in a retail organization.   2. SELLING TO CONTRACTORS You can drive pro sales through effective communication with the elusive contractor customer. Learn how to build profitable relationships with this specialized niche. Robert Koci, Editor of Canadian Contractor magazine, will show how to maximize contact across different media. "Staying connected with the contractor market" will chart the strengths and weaknesses of current channels of communication and how to use them effectively.   3. STAFF RETENTION Wolf Gugler of Wolf Gugler and Associates, and Brenda Dumont of canadianretail.com, will combine their expertise in retail and corporate recruitment in an exciting panel discussion. Find out the most effective recruitment method for attracting top-quality talent, including non-traditional means of finding good employees. Learn practical methods of retaining good staff – from motivation that matters to the number one reason why people leave jobs. And have your questions ready!   ______________________________________________     LAST CHANCE TO BOOK YOUR CONFERENCE HOTEL: If you’re planning to stay over the night of September 12 to take in our conference event next month, make sure you’ve booked your hotel room. To get our special hotel rate at the Four Points Sheraton on Dixie Road at Highway 401. (NOT THE SHERATON AT TERMINAL 3), call 1-800-737-3211.