HARDLINES Canada’s electronic information service for the home improvement industry June 18, 2001 Volume vii, #25 Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher Phone: 416.489.3396 Fax: 416.489.6154 email: mike@hardlines.ca hardlines.ca <https://hardlines.ca/> * * * * * * IN THIS ISSUE: * Sexton Group makes inroads into Southern Ontario * Home Hardware picks up contractor tips from Beaver programs * Marketing Conference will feature contractor selling tips, employee retention strategies * Price of new houses rises in April * * * * * * DOING YOUR MARKETING STRATEGY? PLANNING THE BUDGET?   THEN YOU WILL NEED HARDLINES INDUSTRY REPORT:   "Home Improvement Retailing in Canada" is a comprehensive overview of the size of the market, how many stores are out there, who the key players are, their market position, the size and growth of the big boxes, the trends in housing and renovations, market trends – and much, much more! 120-plus pages filled with charts, graphs and photos. Regular price: $945, only $750 for subscribers! For more information, contact Nancy Wright at nancy@hardlines.ca; phone: 416-489-3396. (go to https://hardlines.ca/html/industry_report.html) * * * * * * BIG NAMES, NETWORKING, AT NEXT HARDLINES MARKETING CONFERENCE: Join Canadian Tire, RONA, Ace Hardware, American Tool, Turkstra Lumber and more. Where? The Sixth Annual Hardlines Marketing Conference – September 13, 2001 at the Four Points Sheraton! I am confident this conference will turn out to be the single best day of education, insights and networking you’ll have all year. Period. Only $389.00 per person – includes continental breakfast, lunch, cocktails, prizes and more! Contact bev@hardlines.ca for more info, or call me direct: 416-489-3396. – Michael (Some sponsorships still available for the event – call me for details.) (go to https://hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html) To get our special hotel rate for the Hardlines Marketing Conference at the Four Points Sheraton, call 1-800-737-3211. * * * * * * ARE YOU UP ON OUR DAILY NEWS? Our website has daily updates on retail and industry news that matter to you. Keep informed. Visit hardlines.ca <https://hardlines.ca/> every day. * * * * * * SEXTON GROUP MOVES INTO CENTRAL ONTARIO Winnipeg-based Sexton Group has typically relied on western markets for new members, but the latest dealer to join comes right from the heart of Southern Ontario’s cottage country. Bay Group Lumber is a new dealer with a strong retail and contractor focus. Sexton met the newcomer through TORBSA, an Ontario buying group and Sexton’s fellow member of the National Alliance buying group. Bay Group lacked TORBSA’s desired emphasis on drywall sales, so it passed the lead along to Bob Mondy, Sexton’s general manager. "We are looking at dealers in Southern Ontario now," Mondy says. In the past, he admits, Sexton has stayed away from that market in tacit recognition of the regional focus of other groups. "But as others are getting aggressive in the West, we’ve decided there’s an opportunity for us there." Until now, Sexton’s penetration of Ontario had only extended about 130 miles east of Thunder Bay, with Marwood Building Supplies in Manitouage. Bay Group Lumber is one of nine new members signed by Sexton Group so far this year. (For a full listing of the Sexton Group’s new members, go to hardlines.ca/html/breakingnews.html ______________________________________________ HOME HARDWARE TAPS BEAVER’S EXPERTISE FOR CONTRACTOR PROGRAMS Home Hardware has carried over Beaver Lumber’s relationship with its contractors by adopting and revamping some of its contractor programs under the Home banner.   Home Hardware Top Notch, a loyalty points program similar to Club Z from Zeller’s, allows contractors to earn points on payment with rewards available through the Top Notch catalogue. Top Notch was started by Beaver as an invitation-only club to help dealers build customer loyalty among its select contractor customers. A cost is attached to the dealer for each member chosen.   "Home Hardware is dealer-owned," says Sean Jasmins, project leader, contractor marketing "so the onus is on the dealer to choose that store’s Top Notch members." There are currently 4,200 Top Notch members. Another contractor perq carried over from Beaver is the contractor nights, now called Home Pro shows. Following a booth trade show format, these closed-door events draw upon area stores to invite their top contractor customers, along with 60-70 vendors invited by Home’s head office. "We like to remind them that we are a national chain with the ability to bring together a great show," says Jasmins.   The program includes product knowledge and activities like the Contractor Olympics. So far this year, Home has held contractor nights in Kelowna, BC, Halifax, and Edmonton. Three more are scheduled for the Fall in Ottawa, London, ON and Barrie, ON. Jasmins says several more initiatives are in the works to expand Home’s relationship with the contractor market.   ______________________________________________ CONFERENCE SESSIONS WILL PROVIDE PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT KNOW-HOW FOR RETAILERS AND VENDORS Bottom line results will be the focus of three practical breakout sessions at the next Hardlines Marketing Conference. Staffing, merchandising, and niche customer groups will be targeted in sessions designed to provide the practical tools to improve retail productivity. Wolf Gugler of Wolf Gugler & Associates and Brenda Dumont of Canadianretail.com will combine their expertise in retail and corporate recruitment in a session on finding and keeping the best employees. The how-to’s of good staffing will include the number one reason why people leave jobs, as well as non-traditional means of finding good employees.   Micheal Ostoforoff, JDA Intactix, will focus on tactical approaches to category and space management. His space and merchandising solutions are designed to reduce labour costs and improve return on investment. His core planogram concepts can be implemented by employees at any level in a retail organization.   Effective communication with the elusive contractor customer is key to profitable relationships with this specialized niche. Robert Koci, editor of Canadian Contractor magazine, will show how to maximize contact across different media. "Staying connected with the contractor market" will chart the strengths and weaknesses of current channels of communication and how to use them effectively. The Sixth Annual Hardlines Marketing Conference will be held September 13, 2001, at the Four Points Sheraton, Toronto Airport. Keynote speakers include executives from Canadian Tire, Ace Hardware, Rona Retail, American Tool and Turkstra Lumber. ______________________________________________ COMPANIES IN THE NEWS Home Hardware will finally get a website of its own: www.homehardware.ca <http://www.homehardware.ca/> will be introduced sometime this year and include national advertising, local promotions and catalogue promos. The website will be geared to direct consumer inquiries to their local Home Hardware dealer. Plans for a fourth store to open in the Winnipeg market sometime over the next 12 months have been stalled indefinitely by Home Depot Canada. In spite of slower sales in the past year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has charted a growth plan that includes squeezing more sales out of its 4,000-plus stores worldwide, fixing and developing its international business and expanding its "super centre" format, which combines general merchandise with a supermarket. The company now operates 952 super centres and wants to add 150-175 per year. The company reported a 4% increase in profits for the first quarter ended April 30, but warned that double-digit earnings growth won't return until at least the second half of the year.   CORRECTION: I reported the sales at retail in 2000 of ILDC’s members incorrectly last week. They were actually $2 billion. (Shameless plug: To get the whole picture on Canada's buying groups, check out the latest issue of HARDLINES QUARTERLY REPORT – Michael)   ____________________________________________   CANADIAN STOCKWATCH
Canadian Tire 25.20 15.05 24.10
Canfor 16.95 7.65 10.99
Goodfellow 11.00 8.00 9.01
Home Depot 49.74 47.61 48.90
Hudson's Bay 17.65 12.40 16.90
Lowe's 64.90 34.25 72.38
Sears Canada 37.25 18.55 22.00
Taiga Forest 10.00 6.80 9.50
West Fraser 36.50 21.00 35.50

______________________________________________ "No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." – William Blake (19th century visionary British poet & artist) _______________________________________________ MARKET INDICATORS   Canadian housing starts fell 4.3% in May, down to 155,000 units, compared with 162,000 units in April. Urban single starts fell 5.5% to an annual rate of 70,200 from 74,300 units the previous month. Urban multiple starts hit 62,600, down 4.4% from 65,500 in April.   The New Housing Price Index rose 0.3% from March to April. Monthly rises occurred in 12 of the 21 urban centres surveyed. The largest advance was in Regina, up 2.0% from March. Higher prices for labour and building materials were among the reasons for the increase. Consumers faced a 3.9% year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index in May. This increase, due largely to escalating energy prices, surpasses April's rise of 3.6%, and is the largest increase since November 1991. When the energy component is excluded, the increase in prices is lessened. The All-items basket of goods, excluding energy, index rose 2.7% in May, compared with May 2000. This advance is smaller than April's annual increase of 2.8%, but still higher than March's 2.3% rise. ______________________________________________ PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Donald O’Hara has been appointed executive vice-president of the Building Material Retailers Association of Québec (ADMACQ). He formerly worked in franchising for numerous franchisors in Québec, handling everything from site location and negotiation to operations and managing franchise networks. He replaces Gabriel Pollender. (450-646-5842) Mark Kennedy has joined Sexton Group, handling member services and marketing. He joins Gord Pearson, who handles current dealers and member prospects, mainly in Western Canada. (204-694-0269) IRLY Distributors Ltd. in British Columbia has elected a new board of directors: Ron Moss of Burg and Johnson Ltd. in Powell River has been elected president ... Mark Perry of Kerrisdale Lumber Co. in Vancouver will act as vice-president … Directors are: Andy Anderson, Ashcroft Building Centre, Ashcroft; Milton Grieves, Capital Building Supplies, Prince George; Mark Stenberg, Coldstream Building Supplies, Vernon; and Rex Millard, Nechako Trading Co., Vanderhoof. (604-596-1551)   Domtar Inc. has undergone a restructuring of its management committee in the wake of its acquisition of four Georgia Pacific mills: Monique Martin will head up the lumber business side of the committee as vice-president, wood products. She is also vice-president, sales & marketing, wood products … E. Craig McManus will operate as senior vice-president, forest resources.   ______________________________________________ NOTED ...   The DIY & Home Improvement Show and GardenExpo will have the backing of some of the biggest buying names in the U.K. industry. Decco, Stax, Mica, Home Hardware, Supa Value, and Fair and Square, as well as Hart and the Home Decoration Retailers Association have joined a steering committee to help develop the event. The move is designed to encourage more independents to visit the show, held January 20-22, 2002, in London, England.   ______________________________________________ * * * * *HARDLINES MARKETPLACE* * * * Check out Hardlines Classifieds on the web: https://hardlines.ca/html/classifieds_new.asp ______________________________________________ NORAL INSTORE BOOST your retail profile with instore sales support for your products and merchandising. Visit http://www.noralmarketing.com or call 519-439-6800 ext. 201 * * * * * *   WE KNOW THE MARKET AND THE MARKET KNOWS US! Lenmark offers a wide range of INTEGRATED MARKETING SERVICES … from package design to websites, from trade campaigns to consumer promotions.   Find out how Don Flynn and his team at Lenmark Communications can bring innovative solutions to your marketing challenges. Phone 905-475-5222; Fax 905-475-6369. mailto:dflynn@lenmarkgroup.com   http://www.lenmarkgroup.com ______________________________________________ THE HARDLINES MARKETPLACE: just $16 per line. A classified ad with Hardlines is the most direct way to industry eyes. Over 3,000 executives in the industry come in contact with our email and fax publications … and have you seen our Marketplace in our new website? https://hardlines.ca/html/classifieds_new.asp Publish your ad where it matters. Get industry exposure today. Contact Eugenia Canas at 416-489-3396 or email: buzz@hardlines.ca ______________________________________________ Hardlines is published weekly (except monthly in December and August) by McLARNEYCOM 542 Mount Pleasant Rd., Suite 302, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 2M7 © 2001 by Michael McLarney. HARDLINES™ the electronic newsletter hardlines.ca Phone: 416.489.3396; Fax: 416.489.6154 Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher: mike@hardlines.ca Eugenia Canas, Assistant Editor: buzz@hardlines.ca Beverly Allen, Marketing Manager: bev@hardlines.ca Nancy Wright, Circulation Manager: nancy@hardlines.ca ______________________________________________ THE HARDLINES "FAIR PLAY" POLICY: Reproduction in whole or in part is very uncool and strictly forbidden and really and truly against the law. So please, play fair! Call for information on multiple subscriptions or a site license for your company. We do want as many people as possible to read Hardlines each week – but let us handle your internal routing from this end! ______________________________________________ Subscription: $199+$13.93 GST = $212.93 (or $29.85 HST = $228.85) per year (GST #13987 0398 RT). Secondary subscriptions at the same office are only $28 + $1.96 GST = $29.98. You can pay online by VISA at our secure website or send us money. Please make cheque payable to McLarneyCom. HARDLINES Canada’s electronic information service for the home improvement industry June 18, 2001 Volume vii, #25 Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher Phone: 416.489.3396 Fax: 416.489.6154 email: mike@hardlines.ca hardlines.ca <https://hardlines.ca/> * * * * * * IN THIS ISSUE: * Sexton Group makes inroads into Southern Ontario * Home Hardware picks up contractor tips from Beaver programs * Marketing Conference will feature contractor selling tips, employee retention strategies * Price of new houses rises in April * * * * * * DOING YOUR MARKETING STRATEGY? PLANNING THE BUDGET?   THEN YOU WILL NEED HARDLINES INDUSTRY REPORT:   "Home Improvement Retailing in Canada" is a comprehensive overview of the size of the market, how many stores are out there, who the key players are, their market position, the size and growth of the big boxes, the trends in housing and renovations, market trends – and much, much more! 120-plus pages filled with charts, graphs and photos. Regular price: $945, only $750 for subscribers! For more information, contact Nancy Wright at nancy@hardlines.ca; phone: 416-489-3396. (go to https://hardlines.ca/html/industry_report.html) * * * * * * BIG NAMES, NETWORKING, AT NEXT HARDLINES MARKETING CONFERENCE: Join Canadian Tire, RONA, Ace Hardware, American Tool, Turkstra Lumber and more. Where? The Sixth Annual Hardlines Marketing Conference – September 13, 2001 at the Four Points Sheraton! I am confident this conference will turn out to be the single best day of education, insights and networking you’ll have all year. Period. Only $389.00 per person – includes continental breakfast, lunch, cocktails, prizes and more! Contact bev@hardlines.ca for more info, or call me direct: 416-489-3396. – Michael (Some sponsorships still available for the event – call me for details.) (go to https://hardlines.ca/html/conferences.html) To get our special hotel rate for the Hardlines Marketing Conference at the Four Points Sheraton, call 1-800-737-3211. * * * * * * ARE YOU UP ON OUR DAILY NEWS? Our website has daily updates on retail and industry news that matter to you. Keep informed. Visit hardlines.ca <https://hardlines.ca/> every day. * * * * * * SEXTON GROUP MOVES INTO CENTRAL ONTARIO Winnipeg-based Sexton Group has typically relied on western markets for new members, but the latest dealer to join comes right from the heart of Southern Ontario’s cottage country. Bay Group Lumber is a new dealer with a strong retail and contractor focus. Sexton met the newcomer through TORBSA, an Ontario buying group and Sexton’s fellow member of the National Alliance buying group. Bay Group lacked TORBSA’s desired emphasis on drywall sales, so it passed the lead along to Bob Mondy, Sexton’s general manager. "We are looking at dealers in Southern Ontario now," Mondy says. In the past, he admits, Sexton has stayed away from that market in tacit recognition of the regional focus of other groups. "But as others are getting aggressive in the West, we’ve decided there’s an opportunity for us there." Until now, Sexton’s penetration of Ontario had only extended about 130 miles east of Thunder Bay, with Marwood Building Supplies in Manitouage. Bay Group Lumber is one of nine new members signed by Sexton Group so far this year. (For a full listing of the Sexton Group’s new members, go to hardlines.ca/html/breakingnews.html ______________________________________________ HOME HARDWARE TAPS BEAVER’S EXPERTISE FOR CONTRACTOR PROGRAMS Home Hardware has carried over Beaver Lumber’s relationship with its contractors by adopting and revamping some of its contractor programs under the Home banner.   Home Hardware Top Notch, a loyalty points program similar to Club Z from Zeller’s, allows contractors to earn points on payment with rewards available through the Top Notch catalogue. Top Notch was started by Beaver as an invitation-only club to help dealers build customer loyalty among its select contractor customers. A cost is attached to the dealer for each member chosen.   "Home Hardware is dealer-owned," says Sean Jasmins, project leader, contractor marketing "so the onus is on the dealer to choose that store’s Top Notch members." There are currently 4,200 Top Notch members. Another contractor perq carried over from Beaver is the contractor nights, now called Home Pro shows. Following a booth trade show format, these closed-door events draw upon area stores to invite their top contractor customers, along with 60-70 vendors invited by Home’s head office. "We like to remind them that we are a national chain with the ability to bring together a great show," says Jasmins.   The program includes product knowledge and activities like the Contractor Olympics. So far this year, Home has held contractor nights in Kelowna, BC, Halifax, and Edmonton. Three more are scheduled for the Fall in Ottawa, London, ON and Barrie, ON. Jasmins says several more initiatives are in the works to expand Home’s relationship with the contractor market.   ______________________________________________ CONFERENCE SESSIONS WILL PROVIDE PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT KNOW-HOW FOR RETAILERS AND VENDORS Bottom line results will be the focus of three practical breakout sessions at the next Hardlines Marketing Conference. Staffing, merchandising, and niche customer groups will be targeted in sessions designed to provide the practical tools to improve retail productivity. Wolf Gugler of Wolf Gugler & Associates and Brenda Dumont of Canadianretail.com will combine their expertise in retail and corporate recruitment in a session on finding and keeping the best employees. The how-to’s of good staffing will include the number one reason why people leave jobs, as well as non-traditional means of finding good employees.   Micheal Ostoforoff, JDA Intactix, will focus on tactical approaches to category and space management. His space and merchandising solutions are designed to reduce labour costs and improve return on investment. His core planogram concepts can be implemented by employees at any level in a retail organization.   Effective communication with the elusive contractor customer is key to profitable relationships with this specialized niche. Robert Koci, editor of Canadian Contractor magazine, will show how to maximize contact across different media. "Staying connected with the contractor market" will chart the strengths and weaknesses of current channels of communication and how to use them effectively. The Sixth Annual Hardlines Marketing Conference will be held September 13, 2001, at the Four Points Sheraton, Toronto Airport. Keynote speakers include executives from Canadian Tire, Ace Hardware, Rona Retail, American Tool and Turkstra Lumber. ______________________________________________ COMPANIES IN THE NEWS Home Hardware will finally get a website of its own: www.homehardware.ca <http://www.homehardware.ca/> will be introduced sometime this year and include national advertising, local promotions and catalogue promos. The website will be geared to direct consumer inquiries to their local Home Hardware dealer. Plans for a fourth store to open in the Winnipeg market sometime over the next 12 months have been stalled indefinitely by Home Depot Canada. In spite of slower sales in the past year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has charted a growth plan that includes squeezing more sales out of its 4,000-plus stores worldwide, fixing and developing its international business and expanding its "super centre" format, which combines general merchandise with a supermarket. The company now operates 952 super centres and wants to add 150-175 per year. The company reported a 4% increase in profits for the first quarter ended April 30, but warned that double-digit earnings growth won't return until at least the second half of the year.   CORRECTION: I reported the sales at retail in 2000 of ILDC’s members incorrectly last week. They were actually $2 billion. (Shameless plug: To get the whole picture on Canada's buying groups, check out the latest issue of HARDLINES QUARTERLY REPORT – Michael)   ____________________________________________   CANADIAN STOCKWATCH
Canadian Tire 25.20 15.05 24.10
Canfor 16.95 7.65 10.99
Goodfellow 11.00 8.00 9.01
Home Depot 49.74 47.61 48.90
Hudson's Bay 17.65 12.40 16.90
Lowe's 64.90 34.25 72.38
Sears Canada 37.25 18.55 22.00
Taiga Forest 10.00 6.80 9.50
West Fraser 36.50 21.00 35.50

______________________________________________ "No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." – William Blake (19th century visionary British poet & artist) _______________________________________________ MARKET INDICATORS   Canadian housing starts fell 4.3% in May, down to 155,000 units, compared with 162,000 units in April. Urban single starts fell 5.5% to an annual rate of 70,200 from 74,300 units the previous month. Urban multiple starts hit 62,600, down 4.4% from 65,500 in April.   The New Housing Price Index rose 0.3% from March to April. Monthly rises occurred in 12 of the 21 urban centres surveyed. The largest advance was in Regina, up 2.0% from March. Higher prices for labour and building materials were among the reasons for the increase. Consumers faced a 3.9% year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index in May. This increase, due largely to escalating energy prices, surpasses April's rise of 3.6%, and is the largest increase since November 1991. When the energy component is excluded, the increase in prices is lessened. The All-items basket of goods, excluding energy, index rose 2.7% in May, compared with May 2000. This advance is smaller than April's annual increase of 2.8%, but still higher than March's 2.3% rise. ______________________________________________ PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Donald O’Hara has been appointed executive vice-president of the Building Material Retailers Association of Québec (ADMACQ). He formerly worked in franchising for numerous franchisors in Québec, handling everything from site location and negotiation to operations and managing franchise networks. He replaces Gabriel Pollender. (450-646-5842) Mark Kennedy has joined Sexton Group, handling member services and marketing. He joins Gord Pearson, who handles current dealers and member prospects, mainly in Western Canada. (204-694-0269) IRLY Distributors Ltd. in British Columbia has elected a new board of directors: Ron Moss of Burg and Johnson Ltd. in Powell River has been elected president ... Mark Perry of Kerrisdale Lumber Co. in Vancouver will act as vice-president … Directors are: Andy Anderson, Ashcroft Building Centre, Ashcroft; Milton Grieves, Capital Building Supplies, Prince George; Mark Stenberg, Coldstream Building Supplies, Vernon; and Rex Millard, Nechako Trading Co., Vanderhoof. (604-596-1551)   Domtar Inc. has undergone a restructuring of its management committee in the wake of its acquisition of four Georgia Pacific mills: Monique Martin will head up the lumber business side of the committee as vice-president, wood products. She is also vice-president, sales & marketing, wood products … E. Craig McManus will operate as senior vice-president, forest resources.   ______________________________________________ NOTED ...   The DIY & Home Improvement Show and GardenExpo will have the backing of some of the biggest buying names in the U.K. industry. Decco, Stax, Mica, Home Hardware, Supa Value, and Fair and Square, as well as Hart and the Home Decoration Retailers Association have joined a steering committee to help develop the event. The move is designed to encourage more independents to visit the show, held January 20-22, 2002, in London, England.   ______________________________________________ * * * * *HARDLINES MARKETPLACE* * * * Check out Hardlines Classifieds on the web: https://hardlines.ca/html/classifieds_new.asp ______________________________________________ NORAL INSTORE BOOST your retail profile with instore sales support for your products and merchandising. Visit http://www.noralmarketing.com or call 519-439-6800 ext. 201 * * * * * *   WE KNOW THE MARKET AND THE MARKET KNOWS US! Lenmark offers a wide range of INTEGRATED MARKETING SERVICES … from package design to websites, from trade campaigns to consumer promotions.   Find out how Don Flynn and his team at Lenmark Communications can bring innovative solutions to your marketing challenges. Phone 905-475-5222; Fax 905-475-6369. mailto:dflynn@lenmarkgroup.com   http://www.lenmarkgroup.com ______________________________________________ THE HARDLINES MARKETPLACE: just $16 per line. A classified ad with Hardlines is the most direct way to industry eyes. Over 3,000 executives in the industry come in contact with our email and fax publications … and have you seen our Marketplace in our new website? https://hardlines.ca/html/classifieds_new.asp Publish your ad where it matters. Get industry exposure today. Contact Eugenia Canas at 416-489-3396 or email: buzz@hardlines.ca ______________________________________________ Hardlines is published weekly (except monthly in December and August) by McLARNEYCOM 542 Mount Pleasant Rd., Suite 302, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 2M7 © 2001 by Michael McLarney. HARDLINES™ the electronic newsletter hardlines.ca Phone: 416.489.3396; Fax: 416.489.6154 Michael McLarney, Editor & Publisher: mike@hardlines.ca Eugenia Canas, Assistant Editor: buzz@hardlines.ca Beverly Allen, Marketing Manager: bev@hardlines.ca Nancy Wright, Circulation Manager: nancy@hardlines.ca ______________________________________________ THE HARDLINES "FAIR PLAY" POLICY: Reproduction in whole or in part is very uncool and strictly forbidden and really and truly against the law. So please, play fair! Call for information on multiple subscriptions or a site license for your company. We do want as many people as possible to read Hardlines each week – but let us handle your internal routing from this end! ______________________________________________ Subscription: $199+$13.93 GST = $212.93 (or $29.85 HST = $228.85) per year (GST #13987 0398 RT). Secondary subscriptions at the same office are only $28 + $1.96 GST = $29.98. You can pay online by VISA at our secure website or send us money. Please make cheque payable to McLarneyCom.