TORBSA elects chairman of the board

BOLTON, Ont. — TORBSA has announced that Steve Guglietti of Pro Con Building Supplies Ltd. in Brampton, Ont., has been elected as the chairman of its board for the year 2020. Previously, he served as the board’s secretary for 2019. In addition to Guglietti, the 2020 board is composed of Past Chairman Greg Drouillard of Target Building Materials Limited (Windsor, Ont.), Vice-Chairman Dante DiGiovanni of Blair Building Materials Inc. (Maple, Ont.), Vice-Chairman of Operations Gary Sangha of Crown Building Supplies (Surrey, B.C.), Secretary Mike Burkart of Bernardi Building Supply Ltd. (Weston, Ont.) and Treasurer Len Hewson of Hewson Brothers Supply Limited (Brantford, Ont.).