Home Hardware names top lawyer, upgrades VPs

Home Hardware Stores Ltd. has announced the appointment of William Zeyl (pictured) as chief legal officer along with a spate of new titles for its leadership team. Effective April 11, senior vice-president, merchandise, Marianne Thompson will become chief merchandising officer. Scott Bryant, currently vice-president, HR, will become chief human resources officer.

Gino Gualtieri, currently VP for IT, will become chief information officer. Rob Wallace, VP, retail operations, will be chief retail operations officer. John Dyksterhuis, who is now VP logistics and manufacturing, will be assigned the title of chief supply chain officer. VP for marketing Laura Baker will become chief marketing officer.

(Full details of the restructuring in next Monday’s heart-pounding edition of our Hardlines weekly newsletter. Not getting the full story? Click here for a free trial subscription!)
