De-stigmatizing menopause: employers can support workers and increase productivity


A press release from the Menopause Foundation of Canada (MFC) highlights findings from its recent Menopause and Work in Canada report, which includes an economic impact analysis by Deloitte Canada. The report reveals that unmanaged menopause symptoms lead to approximately 540,000 lost workdays annually, costing employers an estimated $237 million in lost productivity.

Women face a total of $3.3 billion in lost income due to a reduction in hours and/or pay—or from leaving the workforce altogether. Two million Canadian women are between 45 and 55, the age range when most reach menopause, and this cohort is projected to grow by nearly one-third by 2040.

“This work is helping to dismantle the institutional bias that still exists within workplaces, preventing many women from reaching their full career potential. [In the] longer term we believe this will be key to Sun Life’s competitive advantage and that it will contribute to healthier societies in which we operate,” said Helena Pagano, EVP and chief people and culture officer at Sun Life, in the release.

MFC is calling on employers across Canada to join its “Menopause Works Here” campaign, which offers organizations free tools and resources, including a comprehensive workbook that provides simple and practical steps employers can take to create their own pathway to better support women at this stage of life.