Expert Advice of the Month: Do your target customers see you as a clear and compelling ‘wise choice’?


Donald Cooper is a Canadian based international business speaker and coach specializing in effective management, delivering extraordinary customer value and experiences, and innovative marketing. He assists companies throughout the world to add more real value to their customers’ lives and is a member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.

Every industry and every market is over-served and under-differentiated. Whatever product or service you sell, there are others that sell the same items, and everyone charges approximately the same price. The challenge is to differentiate yourself in a way that matters to your target customers.

One of the biggest complaints from businesses around the world is that there’s no such thing as customer loyalty anymore.

People are loyal to what’s best for them, or what they assume is best for them. This simple truth helps transform business from weak whiners to powerful, proactive value creators and market leaders.

Are you the clear and compelling wise choice for your target customers? Are you best for them? If not, do the work.

What compelling functional, emotional and financial value will you create and commit to consistently deliver that will grab your target customers, clearly differentiate you from your competitors, make you famous and grow your bottom line? That’s what it takes to deserve loyalty.

Then, when you’re doing the ongoing work, you need to effectively and consistently communicate your compelling value story in everything you do.

What do you need to do or improve, or stop doing, starting now, to be the clear wise choice for your target customers? What decisive action will you take? Get specific about what will be done, by whom, by when, at what expense, with what measurable outcomes, measured how and rewarded how to become the clear wise choice?