In worrying times, Hardlines supports industry with recruitment services


The tariffs on Canadian products to the U.S. and counter-tariffs for goods landing here is bad news enough. But the full impact of these measures remains to be seen. The Canadian retail industry has long been in a post-Covid funk—well before the impact of tariffs. For example, Hudson’s Bay Co. has entered bankruptcy protection. And the demise of Peavey Mart—with all 90 stores slated to be shuttered by the end of April—was already in the works before the tariffs were imposed.

The stalling of the retail industry and the impact of tariffs is causing people to be concerned about their jobs in the near future.

Hardlines has services to help, whether you’re hiring or looking for work. Our free Resumé Posting Service is available to anyone. If you are looking for work or expect your situation to change, we invite you to use this free service. Simply post your resumé by clicking here.

And please note, if you are currently out of work, we will give you a free subscription to our sister publication, Hardlines Weekly Report. This e-newsletter has the inside track on latest news within the retail home improvement industry. It will keep you abreast of changes that could give you the lead for your next job. Contact Jillian MacLeod at Hardlines for more info about a complementary subscription.

If you are looking to hire, Hardlines has tools to help. Whether you are a dealer, retail head office, or a vendor, Hardlines Classifieds provide an affordable and targeted way to reach an audience of professionals and experts in the retail home improvement sector.

If you are a Hardlines Premium Member, you are entitled to one free Hardlines Classified ad each year, plus an additional discount on all your ads. Click here for more info about our Premium Membership, or contact Jillian MacLeod at Hardlines for more info.

Please tell your friends and colleagues about these services. We will get through these trying times, but we have to support each other!