Cobra Anchors marks banner year with product launch, new website

MONTREAL — Cobra Anchors Co. Ltd., a privately held maker of masonry and hollow wall anchors, announced it has logged a 20 percent sales hike since the beginning of the year. The company has invested $4.5 million over the last eight months toward injection molding machines, robotic assembly and packaging cells for its Canadian facility. Cobra is also working on a redesigned and streamlined website, slated to go live next month, and a new product launch for the winter, the WallDriller Plus anchor.

“I am proud of the work accomplished by the employees who have not hesitated to take up the challenge of supporting this extraordinary growth,” said Pierre R. McDuff, CEO and president, in a release. “I am confident that the investment we have made during this unprecedented crisis, will enable Cobra to continue its growth while providing excellent customer service and offering quality products based on innovation.”