Dx3 conference challenges notions of bricks and clicks

TORONTO ― Dx3, Canada’s biggest retail, innovation and technology event took place in Toronto earlier this month. Thousands of retailers and marketers flooded the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to learn from the top retail brands such as IKEA, Indigo, McDonalds, LCBO, Snapchat and Tim Hortons.

With an emphasis on digital marketing and innovation, attendees learned what the future holds for retailers and their marketing team. One message was that the old bricks-versus-clicks debate is over. Rather, it’s now about integrating both and assisting the consumer in making an informed decision―both online and off. The online customer does not differ from the offline customer. They are the same person. That person wants a seamless interaction between all the steps of their purchase, whether that is finding the product on a market place, the retailer’s website or in store.

Companies should become agile and enforce more communication between departments to ensure everything is customer focused.
