Order the Hardlines Market Share Report today!

Did you know that three retail groups, Home Hardware, RONA, and Canadian Tire, all share about the same level of sales in British Columbia? But one retailer has almost twice as much of the market in that province than these three. Across the country in Nova Scotia, Home Hardware is the market leader, owning almost one-third of the market for retail home improvement sales in that province, with Kent in second place.

These are just some of the valuable facts you’ll find in the latest edition of the Hardlines Market Share Report, which is available now. This report details total sales by store format and individual banner in every province and territory. The store counts and sales volumes, and market shares of every key banner, are listed by province.

The Hardlines Market Share Report features more than 80 slides in handy PowerPoint format, with proprietary information that is available only from Hardlines. (Click here to order yours today!)
