Expert Advice of the Month: Create positivity in the workplace through employee engagement


Pierre Battah is an Atlantic-based management consultant, HR guru, radio personality and award-winning author of the book, “Humanity at Work: Leading for Better Relationships and Results.” He is a regular guest on CBC Radio and Radio Canada, as well as a past presenter at the annual Hardlines Conference.

“My question is always the same one: why would somebody leave a good job?” says Pierre Battah, a workplace expert based in Moncton. “And it is striking to me how many people struggle with that question.”

In fact, new research from business consulting firm Robert Half reveals that 38 percent of professionals have either started or are planning to start searching for a new job in the first half of this year. While that’s down from half in July 2024, the survey reveals that an additional 39 percent say they are open to a new role if the right opportunity arises.

Salary was the main factor influencing job search plans. The other top reasons workers cited for wanting a new position are: higher salary (41 percent), better perks and benefits (31 percent), more remote flexibility than what their company offers (27 percent), and greater professional development opportunities (20 percent).

Engagement is critical, says Battah. He talks about high-engagement workplaces versus work environments that tolerate low engagement.

The new survey also stated that, when asked what influences their decision to stay with an employer, professionals pointed to a competitive salary with regular merit increases (74 percent), fair and reasonable workloads and expectations (70 percent), opportunities for career advancement and supportive managers (tied at 69 percent), and positive work and team cultures (68 percent). Two-thirds cited flexibility in when and where they work as the driving factors.

The benefits of a high-engagement workplace include “well-being, better citizenship and participation, plus better sales, better profitability, better productivity, and better customer loyalty,” Battah says.

And it’s up to management to foster that sense of engagement.